Project Highlight
Bayer Becker served as the engineer of record for the Windisch Road Industrial Park. Two of the proposed park's buildings were located in a special flood hazard area within the regulatory floodway. For earthwork activities to take place a floodplan analysis and cut/fill balance verification had to be completed. Bayer Becker prepared a mass earthwork plan and storm water pollution prevention plan for the facilities. The earthwork plan was prepared for the construction of building pads above the base flood elevation of the Mill Creek while simultaneously providing compensatory flood storage, required detention volume and post construction water quality volume. Bayer Becker's analysis of the Mill Creek floodplain also included preparing several models which were prepared in a matter suitable for inclusion in a CLOMR application to FEMA. In addition to the models and cut/fill services Bayer Becker provided complete design of the storm water management system including the storm sewer and culvert sizing, basin design and post construction water quality BMPs.