Project Highlight
Bayer Becker is providing professional engineering services for the Fields Ertel Rd and McCauly Rd intersection improvement project. Currently, the project is in the final design phase with plans being reviewed by the Hamilton County Engineer’s Office. Funding opportunities are also being considered. Bayer Becker has provided field surveying, traffic calculations and analysis, roadway design, utility coordination, storm sewer design, hydraulic analysis, and signal design for the project. Scope of work was initially provided by the Engineer’s Office to consist of an eastbound left turn lane, a westbound left turn lane, a southbound right turn lane, and signalization of the intersection (mast arm installation). However, upon completion of the traffic analysis, Bayer Becker determined that a westbound right turn lane would significantly increase capacity and so it was added to the intersection improvements project.
Some specific design elements for the project included several driveway modifications needed to accommodate the roadway widening and significant replacement of the existing drainage system. In particular, an existing box culvert, several storm pipes, and many structures are to be replaced along and crossing Fields Ertel Road and McCauly Road and the existing open ditch is to be modified. Bayer Becker is working with the Engineer’s Office relative to impacts on adjacent property owners. With the layout of the intersection, various utility relocations, including the water main, gas main, power poles and associated overhead lines, while unavoidable, were minimized. Bayer Becker prepared materials and provided representation at two public information meetings.