Project Highlight
Bayer Becker prepared roadway improvement plans for approximately 0.66 miles of Innovation Way to widen an existing three lane roadway to a five lane roadway including center medians and/or left turn lanes at various driveway intersections.
Significant coordination was necessary during design to minimize the impact to the businesses that were located along the corridor. The project also included a multi use path along the west side of the roadway and sidewalk along the east side.
Bayer Becker was responsible for the field surveying, roadway design, utility coordination, storm sewer design, hydraulics analysis, retaining wall design, lighting plans, right of way summary plans, and right of way easement exhibits and legal descriptions (11 parcels) for the project.
The Innovation Way project terminated at two adjacent roadway projects which required significant coordination between Bayer Becker and two of the Warren County TID’s consultants including Stantec.
The estimated construction cost for the Innovation Road Widening Project was approximately $4,000,000.00.